This was the page originaly created on Tripod in 2000 August, some eighteen months before my arrest. This web site will give you an idea about my past life!!
Dr L.Prakash
M.B.B.S. M.S. [orth] M.Ch [orth] Liverpool (U.K.) AOAA [swiss]
I am a practicing orthopaedic surgeon from Madras now renamed Chennai
I specialise in joint replacements especially revisions, and the management of orthopaedic complications! I run a 12 bedded specialist orthopaedic hospital in Madras called the Institute for special Orthopaedics. The address is AA 23 Third Street, Third Main Road, Anna Nagar, Madras 600040. Phone 6213129, 6212327, 6284566.
I am the ex secretary of the Indian Orthopaedic Association, India's largest body of orthopaedic surgeons. Prior to that I was the vice president of this association!
I love islands, deep sea fishing, jetskiing, speed boating, antiques, cigars, four wheel drives, adventure, photography, computers and lots of reading.
I have a lovely wife Latha who is a paediatrician and a Little genious of a five year old daughter Nethra.
I am deeply involved in the production design and development of orthopaedic instruments and implants especially total joint replacements and used to run a company for this purpose.
I was an amaeteur Magician and in my younger days travelled the world over performing illusions! Apart from this in my younger days I have been a jack of all trades before embarking on a carer of orthopaedics!
I have written four books in Orthopaedics apart from over 150 publications.
Total hip replacements Total Knee replacements Ilizarov Ring fixation systems Innovations in orthopaedics
If interested , please email me!
My site has been hijacked. domain is now with a squatter. So none of the links below would work. I am retaining the original page to just give an idea about my past life.
- My books and inventions!!
- My Web Site
I dont know html!! so my site is very primitive
- Our House and family
Just Pictures of our house and family
- Loads of photographs of my daughter Nethra
Nethra is my little 5 year old genious
- My Private Island
A lovely paradise 50 km from madras!!
AA 23 Third street Third main Anna Nagar
Madras 600040 India
Madras, TN 600 040 India