Embarrassing But Essential

ISBN 978-81-907320-3-1

Pages 300

List Price Rs 250 INR

About this book

“I owe my fantastic figure and smashing boobs to this wonderful book. The author should at least receive a booker prize, if not a Nobel!”
Mallika Sherawat

“If I had read this book, I would have known how to keep my mouth shut”
Monica Lewinsky

“This book has changed my life and made me a happier person, full of knowledge and wisdom!”
Kareena Kapoor

“If I had read this book earlier, I would never have forgiven Bill”
Hillary Clinton

I will definitely recommend this book to all the sisters, and mothers in our convent”
Mother Stella Vergeese

“I am sorry that I made my virginity statement before reading this wonderful book. If I had read this wonderful publication, I would have avoided putting my foot in my mouth!”

“Taught me all I wanted to know about how to give a smashing blowjob”
Sameera Reddy

“If I had this book when I was a teenager, I would have been something else in my life”
Paris Hilton

Disclaimer: The author or publisher does not have the original copies of these testimonials which have been lost by spilt coffee. The publisher’s dog chewed up the coffee soaked papers!

Other titles that were suggested for this book


The dangerous book for girls

Hundred things that you were always curious about, but afraid to ask.

How to pass virginity and other tests.

Intimate essential secrets, for those from Venus.

All you wanted to know about sex, but were afraid to ask.

A survival kit for women, between sixteen and sixty.

Don’t buy this book if you are a male!

Intimate, important, interesting, invaluable, information for women.
(This title was discarded because you don’t have a synonym for a female that starts with I!)


I Introduction     
II Do you know the answers to these? 
1 Do your looks really matter?  
2 Sexual awareness, adolescence, and maturity  
3 Oral contraceptive; – The pill    
4 The condom     
5 Arranged marriages are not bad   
6 Sex is not always essential for life     
7 Masturbation     
8 Erogenous zones      
9 All you do wanted to know about booze   
10 In a puff of smoke   
11 Never succumb to blackmail  
12 A date does not require a repayment    
13 Adult sites on internet    
14 Internet dating and sex    
15 Cannabis, grass and other drugs
16 All you wanted to know about oral sex  
17 Orgasms 
18 The uncles to beware of   
19 Sexually transmitted diseases  
20 Pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation 
21 Avoid exploitation at work place  
22 How to select the appropriate underwear
23 How to tackle an anonymous caller 
24 The mating game  
25 Lesbianism    
26 Threesomes and more
27 Good reading habits  
28 The power of change 
29 The power of now 
30 Virginity   
III References    
IV Cross-index   

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Chennai 600005
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